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Application for ‘in–year’ school admissions
(not for admission into Reception or transfer to Junior or Secondary school for next September)

Read our privacy notice to see what to expect when we collect personal information.

Child’s details
Is your child in the care of a Local Authority or are they adopted?
Fostering details

Private Fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if the child has a disability) lives with someone who is not a close relative (ie not their grandparents, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin or step-parents) for 28 days or more unless that person has parental responsibility for them or is a local authority or agency foster carer.

A Private Fostering arrangement, whether it is already in place or will be in the future, must by law be reported to the County Council. To notify the County Council of a Private Fostering arrangement please call 0344 800 8020.

Child Personal Details

between 01/01/2005 and 4/3/2025
Child's Address
for example NR1 1DJ
for example 12 Norfolk Road

for example Norwich
for example Norfolk
for example 01632 960999, 07700900999